My Language Lab video: transitioning from the Spanish GCSE exam to AS level to A2 level

Posted by:
Lab team
July 10, 2020
Reading time:

This summer: What can you expect as you transition from language GCSEs to A Level and then uni?

If you are just leaving your Spanish, French and other GCSEs behind, you are going through exciting times! However, changes can be scary and transitioning from GCSEs to A level (from English A level to everything else) worries many students. But with proper preparation and the right learning advice, I am sure that you will be able to achieve all your learning goals.

Helping students is at the very heart of our mission here at My Language Lab. That is why I recorded this short videos full of tips and useful info so that you know what to expect from the upcoming months.

Here is what I explore:

  1. Managing expectation levels
  2. Prepping for A level and uni
  3. Developing your opinions
  4. Honing your presentation and research skills
  5. Learning about issues that matter!
  6. Gaining a wider outlook of the world
  7. Introducing film and literature
  8. Consuming news and language tools for language A level and beyond
  9. Adapting to smaller class sizes.

It is definitely a big adjustment but the skills you learn can be applied to so many different things in your future career and life! Watch the video here.

How we can help:
  1. Questions on Spanish, French, Italian, English A level classes or UCAS applications? Emails us to book your free Assessment.
  2. Join our Founder Drew's weekly online Spanish Yr 12 or Yr 13 A level tuition classes to help you with your transition to the next level.
  3. Are you an A  level student that needs to improve their writing skills? Watch Drew's video tutorial here.