GCSE, AS & A2 Spanish assessments

Posted by:
Lab team
September 24, 2014
Reading time:
Spanish and French dictionaries

This month's blog post is about the influx of exam level students we have had who are seeking guidance and support from us as they adjust to the next year in their Spanish level, from GCSE to AS Level or from AS to A2 Level Spanish.The jump from GCSE to AS and then again to A2 Level can be significant. The AS Level Spanish syllabus focuses on issues such as healthy lifestyles, family, Spanish customs, education, the press, technology and so on. The detail in learning grammar and vocabulary also steps up considerably.With Spanish A2 Level, the onus is on literature and film, and again, the shift changes with the style and approach that needs to be taken, especially with essay writing and analysis as well as more issues.During our assessment lessons, students tell us that they find the jump difficult to adjust to, perhaps because they haven't studied as much as they should have during the holidays, others cite a new school or teacher as a factor whilst other students mention the intensity of the subject matter as well as the ideas they need to generate, is difficult.What we do to help exam level Spanish students is to strengthen the foundation of their grammar and tenses so they can learn new rules more easily. We provide supplementary exercises for them to practise and explain rules in simple bite-size pieces. With topical issues, we firmly believe students need to widen the ideas they adopt, develop their opinions and argue their points concisely with good Spanish. With past exam papers, we employ a variety of proven tools and techniques to help students answer questions in context and understand what examiners are looking for in order to get the highest possible marks.If your child is experiencing any of the above, please contact us for an in-depth assessment lesson so that we can pinpoint the areas that s/he needs guidance with. Testimonials from past GCSE, AS and A2 Level students can be read here.